February Tips & Hints
What cold damp weather we have had in January! Let's hope the temperature starts to rise soon! A bit of sun too makes all the difference.
1) Make new beds and borders
2) Order plug plants
3) Prune certain kinds of clematis
4) Brush any snow off conifers, large evergreens and hedges to avoid splaying or breaking
5) Renewal prune old shrubs, deciduous hedges and climbers
7) 6) Plant lily-of-the-valley crowns
8) Plant shallots and Jerusalem artichokes
9) Continue planting soft fruit bushes, bare-rooted fruit trees and summer fruiting raspberry canes
10) Sow tuberous begonias, busy lizzies and sweet peas
11) Pot up stored dahlia tubers and lily bulbs
12) Chit potatoes
Happy Gardening!